Physical Therapy
Insurance and pricing
Contact & Payments

What does Physical Therapy Cost?

In today's ecomony this is an important question to everyone.  Cost of healthcare is rising, coverage is going down, and deductibles are ever higher and higher.   We understand the many different circumstances, abilities and situations.   Therefore Physcial Therapy Specialists will make every attempt to advise you of your personal insurance coverage, fees and personal out of pocket cost prior to you receiving treatment.  This information will be shared with you so that you and your family can make an informed decision.

We currently are in network with most major networks and quite a few minor ones.  Being "in network" means we have already looked at the prices your insurance is offering and we agreed to their fee schedule pricing.  If we for some reason are NOT in network, we will provide you with both in network and out of network information so that you can determine what actual cost you will incur and if we can match your in network benefits, we will. 

IF you currently find yourself where no insurance is available, we also have cash plans and payment plans available.  All of these options will be determined prior to being treated.  We don't like our patients to have to "guess" or be "surprised" when it comes to what it will "cost" them for healthcare.  Physical Therapy Specialists will do everything we can to help you in this area.

We also accept MED-Pay payment from your personal auto insurance should you be involved in an auto accident and need physical therapy. 

If you have questions about your policy or would like to email the insurance department a question, you may email us at  We will submit all your healthcare claims to your insurance through electronic submission which ensure the fastest, most secure transactions.

This notice applies to the privacy practices of P.T.S. and may apply to some subsidiaries and affiliates. Medical information about members may be shared among these organizations as needed for treatment, payment or healthcare operations. (TPO) As the company procures or creates new business lines, they may be required to follow the terms defined in this notice of privacy practices.
Your medical information may be used and disclosed for treatment, payment, and health care operations. (TPO) For example: TREATMENT: Your medical information may be disclosed to a doctor or hospital that asks for it to provide treatment. PAYMENT: Your medical information may be used or disclosed to pay claims for services, which are covered under your health insurance policy.
HEALTH CARE OPERATIONS: Your medical information may be used and disclosed to determine premiums, conduct quality assessment and improvement activities, to engage in care coordination or case management, accreditation, conducting and arranging legal services, and for other similar administrative purposes.
AUTHORIZATIONS: You may provide written authorization to use your medical information or to disclose it to anyone for any purpose. You may revoke your authorization in writing at any time. That revocation will not affect any use or disclosure permitted by your authorization while it was in effect. The company cannot use or disclose your medical information for any reason except those described in this notice, without your written authorization.
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Your medical information may be disclosed to a family member, friend or other person as necessary to help with your health care or with payment for your health care. You must agree that the company may do so.
MARKETING: Your medical information may be used to provide information about health-related benefits, services or treatment alternatives that may be of interest to you. Your medical information may be disclosed to a business associate assisting us in providing that information to you. We will not market products or services other than health-related products or services to you.
RESEARCH: The Company’s legal obligations permit your medical information to be used or disclosed for research purposes. If you die, your medical information may be disclosed to a coroner, medical examiner, funeral director or organ procurement organization.
AS REQUIRED BY LAW: Your medical information may be used or disclosed as required by state or federal law.
COURT OR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: Medical information may be disclosed in response to a court or administrative order, subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process, under certain circumstances.
VICTIM OF ABUSE: If you are reasonably believed to be a victim of abuse, neglect, domestic violence or other crimes, medical information may be released to the extent necessary to avert a serious threat to your health or safety or to the health or safety of others. Medical information may be disclosed, when necessary, to assist law enforcement officials to capture an individual who has admitted to participation in a crime or has escaped from lawful custody.
MILITARY AUTHORITIES: Medical information of Armed Forces personnel may be disclosed to Military authorities under certain circumstances. Medical information may be disclosed to authorized federal officials as required for lawful intelligence, counterintelligence, and other national security activities.
To LOOK AT or GET COPIES: of your medical information, with limited exceptions.
You must make a written request to obtain access to your medical information. (no email) If you request copies of your medical information, you will be charged $20.00 for supplies and staff time required to copy that information, in addition, postage if you want the copies mailed to you. If you request an alternative format, the charge will be based upon the cost of providing your medical information in the requested format. If you prefer, the company will prepare a summary or explanation of your medical information for a fee. For a more detailed explanation of the fee structure, please contact the Billing Office. The company requires advance payment before copying your medical information.
RECEIVE AN ACCOUNTING: of any disclosures of your medical information made by the company or a business associate for any reason, other than TPO purposes after April 14, 2003. This accounting will include the date the disclosure was made, the name of the person or entity the disclosure was made to, a description of the medical information disclosed, the reason for the disclosure, and certain other information. If you request an accounting more than once in a 12-month period, there may be a reasonable cost-based charge for responding to those additional requests. Please contact the Billing Office for a more detailed explanation of the fees charged for such accountings.
TO REQUEST RESTRICTIONS: on the company’s use or disclosure of your medical information. The company is not required to agree to such requests. If you reasonably believe that sending confidential medical information to you in the normal manner will endanger you, you have the right to make a written request that the company communicate that information to you by a different method or to a different address. If there is an immediate threat, you may make that request by calling 865-588-4108. Follow up with a written request is required as soon as possible. The company must accommodate your request if it is reasonable, specifies how and where to communicate with you.
TO AMEND your healthcare record. Your written request must explain why the information should be amended. The company may deny your request if the medical information you seek to amend was not created by the company or for other reasons permitted by its legal obligations. If your request is denied, the company will provide a written explanation of the denial. If you disagree, you may submit a written statement that will be included with your medical information. If the company accepts your request, reasonable efforts will be made to inform the people that you designate about that amendment. Any future disclosures of that information will be amended. If you receive this notice on the company’s Web site or by electronic mail (e-mail), you may request a written copy of this notice by contacting P.T.S.
If you want more information concerning the company’s privacy practices or have questions or concerns, please contact Eric Rockwell at 865-588-4108.
If you are concerned that: (1) the company has violated your privacy rights; (2) you disagree with a decision made about access to your medical information or in response to a request you made to amend or restrict the use or disclosure of your medical information;
You may also submit a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The company will furnish the address where you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services upon request. This company supports your right to protect the privacy of your medical information. There will be no retaliation in any way if you choose to file a complaint.
